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Learn about our values and join us

  • Quality

    We care about the effectiveness of our actions, providing our clients with real growth in their business. We train and share knowledge, awareness of the goal and the common path allows us to achieve more. Clients are with us because of the high quality and value we deliver to their businesses in the form of results. How to do something is only right.

  • Innovation

    We develop our competencies as a team and as a company. Development is a guarantee of innovation and quality of implemented strategies of our clients. Our development is guided by the desire to maintain the high quality of our services and achieve our professional goals.

  • Professionalism

    As a company and individuals, we are professionals in what we do ensuring the highest quality of our services. We take care to work with a sense of professionalism. We know that only long-term, consistent, teamwork produces above-average results for clients and all of us.

  • Quality

    We care about the effectiveness of our actions, providing our clients with real growth in their business. We train and share knowledge, awareness of the goal and the common path allows us to achieve more. Clients are with us because of the high quality and value we deliver to their businesses in the form of results. How to do something is only right.

  • Innovation

    We develop our competencies as a team and as a company. Development is a guarantee of innovation and quality of implemented strategies of our clients. Our development is guided by the desire to maintain the high quality of our services and achieve our professional goals.

  • Professionalism

    As a company and individuals, we are professionals in what we do ensuring the highest quality of our services. We take care to work with a sense of professionalism. We know that only long-term, consistent, teamwork produces above-average results for clients and all of us.

  • Authenticity

    Authentic in what we say and do, we tell it like it is, what is possible in the projects we implement. Honesty in communication allows us to implement projects more efficiently and provide our clients with reliable information for strategic decisions. We have our principles, we don’t pretend to be anyone, and neither do our clients.

  • Trust

    We are honest with clients and each other. We believe that we work best in a friendly atmosphere, a sense of mutual trust and respect for each other. At work, the most important thing is the interaction of people, because success depends on many factors of customer service, sales and the final implementation of promotional campaigns.

  • Engagement

    Our goal is to implement successful online projects. This allows us to fulfill our high professional ambitions and passions in life. We know that only full commitment and passion for work can bring success.


Together we will overcome every obstacle

  • Authenticity

    Authentic in what we say and do, we tell it like it is, what is possible in the projects we implement. Honesty in communication allows us to implement projects more efficiently and provide our clients with reliable information for strategic decisions. We have our principles, we don’t pretend to be anyone, and neither do our clients.

  • Trust

    We are honest with clients and each other. We believe that we work best in a friendly atmosphere, a sense of mutual trust and respect for each other. At work, the most important thing is the interaction of people, because success depends on many factors of customer service, sales and the final implementation of promotional campaigns.

  • Engagement

    Our goal is to implement successful online projects. This allows us to fulfill our high professional ambitions and passions in life. We know that only full commitment and passion for work can bring success.

Why you should do with us #juice?

Working at Orange Juice prices the people who work there above all. Individual attention to each of us and ample opportunity to grow in different directions. I joined the team five months ago. I had adequate time to get into the rhythm of work, no one rushed me, everyone had a lot of understanding and gave me support both technically and substantively. Looking for a new job, I was looking for challenges, here on the amount of them I can not complain :)
If you are looking for a place where you want to find competent people, learn a lot about marketing on the Internet, work with small clients and international giants then I highly recommend Orange Juice.

Custommer Success Manager

Orange Juice is a good place for people who want to develop in the area of SEM and who focus on a specialist position rather than ubiquitous multitasking. Every specialist has his clients, whom he serves in cooperation with the project manager. Clients are different - from small to large budgets. It's the same with industries. There is no boredom.
The team is small, but as a result, everyone knows each other. The atmosphere is very good. The company allows remote work. Starting juniors will find a lot of support and knowledge here, and experienced specialists will have the opportunity to prove themselves to large clients.

Junior PPC Specialist

The atmosphere in this company is, for me, positive and friendly, despite the fact that I have previously worked in a different environment (in terms of task management and way of working). The team supports each other, I develop myself and at a fast pace. The work is effect-oriented, and that's what it's all about. There is work, but there is also a lot of laughter :)
At the interview I did not have a good question of the type, how do I work better - alone or in a group.

Social Ads Specialist

When I decided to change jobs after 11 years in banking, I was looking for a place that would take advantage of my experience and help me rebrand.
Already at the recruitment interview I knew that we spoke the same language.
The company provided me with a start-up training package and recurring development training.
OJ is a place that allows independent work based on trust and an atmosphere that makes you want to work.
I look forward to Mondays and the new challenges of the week!

Custommer Success Manager

I work at OJ in the finance and administration department. At work, I receive tremendous support and a lot of trust. I have had enough time to learn, implement, and with all this, the company is open to new solutions and suggestions.
Working at OJ is also a great atmosphere. I feel at ease in the team, we can talk about any topic, and if needed, you can always count on a helping hand.
A great place where you can improve your skills, learn from your mistakes and gain knowledge from others, as well as influence the operation of the organization yourself 😊

Finanse i Administracja

At Orange Juice, she handles Google Ads campaigns. I started working as an experienced campaign specialist at Google, but joining the team allowed me to get to know new tools that I had never used before. So we can safely say that the agency focuses on development and is not afraid of news from the world of online marketing. I must also mention that I work for OJ completely remotely, yet I feel like a full-fledged member of the team.

Junior SEM Specialist

What is the recruitment process like?

Learn about our values and send your CV

We will verify your application and arrange a video or live meeting

Complete the recruitment task and confirm skills

Let's talk about the task, expectations and professional development opportunities

What benefits do we offer in addition?

subsidizing sports activities

subsidizing sports activities

private medical care

private medical care

subsidized training and courses

subsidized training and courses

life insurance

life insurance

possibility to work remotely

possibility to work remotely

teambuilding meetings

teambuilding meetings

no formal dress code

no formal dress code



Who we are currently looking for:

Below you will find a list of open positions for which we are recruiting. If you don’t find open positions – don’t worry. Send your resume to and convince us with a cover letter.

Junior PPC Specialist

Superhero wanted, special abilities: Ads & Analytics

Wrocław, dodane:


Come to Orange Juice and explore our Kingdom like Owen and Claire in Jurassic World. We hope you don’t like getting bored. For us, boredom is like a dormant volcano, threatening to destroy the entire island. Feel like a hero, and we will save you from monotony, lots of attractions and unusual experiences. Don’t delay, join the island full of adventures!


Who are we looking for?

A person who:

  • wants to develop and will be involved
  • understands and is customer oriented
  • knows self-service advertising platforms, i.e. Google Ads, Facebook
  • is organized and independent
  • can get along with the rest of the team – which is not difficult, we are amazing
  • is able to support and implement original ideas
  • is characterized by outstanding assimilation of jokes – seriously, a sense of humor is necessary



  • Planning and implementation of paid advertising activities
  • Creating and optimizing advertising campaigns
  • Analysis of statistics and preparation of reports
  • Independent project management and development


We offer you:

  • Cooperation with Google superheroes
  • Challenges with interesting internet projects in a rapidly growing agency
  • A team with which your work will gain a new sound
  • Qualification training provided by Google
  • Salary appropriate to your skills

Do you feel that you and your special powers will perfectly complement our team?
Do not hesitate – send us your CV and cover letter and remember to add a standard clause:
I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in my job offer for the purposes of the recruitment process (in accordance with the Act of 29.08.97 on the Protection of Personal Data, Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883)


Odnajdź swoje miejsce i wyciskaj zawodowo więcej

Wrocław, dodane:


  • Stabilne zasady współpracy
  • Zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę/B2B
  • Pracę stacjonarną i zdalną
  • Atrakcyjny system premiowania za realizację projektów i celów
  • Bezpośrednią współpracę z zarządem firmy
  • Możliwość opracowywania i wdrażania własnych pomysłów
  • Wyzwania i możliwość samorealizacji
  • Możliwość awansu
  • Przyjazną atmosferę
  • Pakiet benefitów (opieka medyczna, karta Multisport, spotkania integracyjne, system dofinansowania do szkoleń)

Twój zakres obowiązków: 

  • Prowadzenie strategicznych projektów dla firmy
  • Zarządzanie teamem Project Managerów
  • Koordynowanie pracy teamu projektowego w agencji podczas realizacji projektów
  • Aktywny udział w budowaniu i wdrażaniu strategii dla klientów
  • Zarządzanie projektami wdrożeniowymi dla klientów agencji
  • Współpraca z klientami agencji (doradztwo, consulting)
  • Zarządzanie budżetem i proaktywne reagowanie na zmieniające się potrzeby klienta
  • Analiza rynku i działań konkurencji
  • Weryfikacja efektywności działań marketingowych
  • Raportowanie wyników bezpośrednio do zarządu firmy
  • Monitoring i egzekwowanie realizacji celów biznesowych w projektach
  • Kreowanie i umacnianie pozytywnego wizerunku firmy


  • Wykształcenie wyższe
  • Minimum 3-5 lat doświadczenie w pracy jako Project Manager
  • Wykorzystywana w codziennej praktyce znajomość metodyk zarządzania projektami takich jak: PMI, Prince2, Agile czy Kanban
  • Dobra znajomość specyfiki branży e-commerce będzie dodatkowym atutem
  • Samodzielność i bardzo dobra organizacja pracy własnej i zespołu
  • Doświadczenie w sprzedaży/marketingu
  • Bardzo dobra obsługa pakietu MS Office
  • Umiejętność analitycznego myślenia
  • Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego
  • Kreatywność, komunikatywność, otwartość
  • Zorientowanie na pracę w zespole
  • Wysoko rozwinięte umiejętności interpersonalne i komunikacyjne
  • Prawo jazdy kat B


Junior Social Ads Specialist

Zostań Social-Ads-Juicerem i wyciskaj z kampanii Klientów ostatnie soki

Wrocław, dodane:


  • Stabilne zasady współpracy
  • Zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę zlecenie/o pracę
  • Pracę stacjonarną i zdalną
  • Atrakcyjny system premiowania za realizację projektów i celów
  • Możliwość opracowywania i wdrażania własnych pomysłów
  • Wyzwania i możliwość samorealizacji
  • Możliwość awansu
  • Przyjazną atmosferę
  • Pakiet benefitów (opieka medyczna, karta Multisport, spotkania integracyjne, system dofinansowania do szkoleń)

Twój zakres obowiązków: 

  • Planowanie i realizacja działań z zakresu reklamy płatnej w Social Mediach
  • Przygotowywanie raportów, analiza statystyk i wyciąganie wniosków
  • Optymalizacja budżetów kampanii proporcjonalnie do ich efektywności
  • Samodzielne prowadzenie i rozwój projektów
  • Tworzenie angażujących treści na nośnikach reklamowych, profilach społecznościowych i stronach www
  • Tworzenie grafik na potrzeby kreacji reklamowych
  • Zewnętrzne prezentowanie wiedzy w formie publikacji branżowych
  • Współpraca z wewnętrznymi specjalistami i zewnętrznymi podmiotami
  • Motywacja do ciągłego rozwoju, aktualizowania wiedzy i śledzenia trendów branżowych


  • Doświadczenie w prowadzeniu kampanii reklamowych Meta Ads
  • Sprawne posługiwanie się narzędziami Meta Ads (Meta Business Suite, Menedżer reklam, Menedżer zdarzeń itp.)
  • Analityczne myślenie i umiejętność wyciągania wniosków
  • Umiejętność raportowania danych z przeprowadzonych działań i rekomendacji
  • Łatwość w tworzeniu atrakcyjnych komunikatów reklamowych
  • Kreatywność, komunikatywność, otwartość
  • Śledzenie aktualnych trendów i zmian w marketingu internetowym
  • Samodzielność w wykonywaniu zadań i podejmowaniu decyzji
  • Mile widziana znajomość TikTok Ads i LinkedIn Ads i Google Tag Managera

Wyślij nam swoje CV i list motywacyjny i pamiętaj o dopisaniu standardowej klauzuli:

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO).
